====== Literaturhinweise ====== Hier wird eine Liste mit wichtiger Literatur aus der Ephemeridenrechung eingetragen. Diese sind gruppiert nach Büchern, Paper und Webseiten. Ggf. gibt es Links auf öffentlich einsehbare PDF-Dateien. ===== Bücher ===== {{tablelayout?rowsHeaderSource=Auto&colwidth="-"}} ^ Autor(en) ^ Titel ^ Jahr/Auflage ^ Cover ^ | {{anchor:books_hempe}} Klaus Hempe\\ Jürgen Molt | Sterne im Computer | 1987/1. Auflage | {{ :hempe_molt_sterne_im_computer.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_roth}} Günther D. Roth | Handbuch für Sternfreunde | 1989/4. Auflage | {{ roth_handbuch_fuer_sternfreunde.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_meeus0}} Jean Meeus | Astronomical Formulae for Calculators\\ (englisch) | 1988/4. Auflage | {{:meeus_astronomical_formulae_for_calculators.jpg?70}} | | {{anchor:books_meeus}} Jean Meeus | Astronomical Algorithms\\ (englisch) | 1998/2. Auflage | {{ :meeus_astronomical_algorithms.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_meeus_morsels1}} Jean Meeus | Mathematical Astronomy Morsels I\\ (englisch) | 2000/2. Auflage | {{ :meeus_morsels_1.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_meeus_morsels2}} Jean Meeus | More Mathematical Astronomy Morsels II\\ (englisch) | 2002/1. Auflage | {{ :meeus_morsels_2.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_mont1}} Oliver Montenbruck\\ Thomas Pfleger | Astronomie mit dem Personal Computer | 1999/3. Auflage | {{ :montenbruck_pfleger_astr_personal_computer_3.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_mont2}} Oliver Montenbruck | Grundlagen der Ephemeridenrechnung | 2005/7. Auflage | {{ :montenbruck_grundlagen.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_seidelmann}} Kenneth P. Seidelmann\\ (Editor) | Explanatory Supplement to the\\ Astronomical Almanac\\ (englisch) | 2006/(per.) | {{ :explanatory_supplement.jpg?70 }} | | {{anchor:books_allen}} C.W. Allen\\ | Astrophysical Quantities | 1999/4. Auflage | {{:allen_astrophysical_quantities.jpg?70}} | | {{anchor:books_chapront}} M. Chapront - Touzé, \\ J. Chapront | Lunar Tables and Programs from\\ 4000 B.C. to A.D. 8000\\ (englisch) | 1991/1. Auflage | {{:chapront_lunar_tables_and_programs.jpg?70}} | | {{anchor:books_zimmermann}} Helmut Zimmermann, \\ Joachim Gürtler | ABC Astronomie \\ (Lexikon) | 2008/9. Auflage | {{:zimmermann_guertler_abc_astronomie.jpg?70}} | | {{anchor:books_wepner}} Wolfgang Wepner | Mathematisches Hilfsbuch für Studierende \\ und Freunde der Astronomie | 1985/3. Auflage | {{:wepner_mathematisches_hilfsbuch.jpg?70}} | | {{anchor:books_smart}} W.M. Smart | Textbook on Spherical Astronomy \\ (englisch) | 1977/6. Auflage | {{:smart_textbook.jpg?70}} | | {{anchor:books_green}} R.M. Green | Spherical Astronomy \\ (englisch) | 1985/1.Auflage | {{:green_spherical_astronomy.jpg?70}} | ===== Paper ===== {{tablelayout?rowsHeaderSource=Auto&colwidth="200px,"-"}} ^ Autor(en) ^ Link ^ | {{anchor:paper_meeus}} Jean Meeus | [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1998JBAA..108..154M/abstract|The effect of Delta T on astronomical calculations]] | | {{anchor:paper_harris}} D.L. Harris | [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/pdf/1961plsa.book..272H|Photometry and Colormetry of Planets and Satellites]] | | {{anchor:paper_lockthom}} G.W. Lockwood,\\ D.T. Thomson et al. | [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1991ApJ...368..287L|The Brightness, Albedo and temporal variability of Neptune]], \\ ApJ, Part 1, 368 (1991), 287 - 297 | | {{anchor:paper_seidelmann}} P.K. Seidelmann et al. | [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011CeMDA.109..101A|Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites]], 2005, v.91, Issue 3 - 4, 203 - 215 | | {{anchor:paper_blancat1}} C. Blanco,\\ S. Catalano | [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1971A%26A....14...43B|Photoelectric observations of Saturn Satellites of Rhea and Titan]], \\ A & A, 14 (1971), 43 - 47 | | {{anchor:paper_blancat2}} C. Blanco,\\ S. Catalano | [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1974A%26A....33..105B|On the Photometric Variations of the Saturn and Jupiter satellites]], \\ A & A, 33 (1975), 105 - 111 | | {{anchor:paper_morrcruik}} D. Morrison,\\ D.P. Cruikshank | [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1974SSRv...15..641M|Physical Properties of the Natural Satellites]], \\ Space Science Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 5, 641 - 739, 1974 | | {{anchor:paper_burmosh}} B.J. Buratti,\\ J.A. Mosher, et al. | [[https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0685/92163de531f186f34bf1fd6728642f79f7bf.pdf|Photometry of the saturnian satellites during ring plane crossing]], \\ Icarus 136 Issue 2, 223 - 231, 1998 | | {{anchor:paper_simbret}} J.L. Simon et al. | [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1994A%26A...282..663S|Numerical expressions for precession formulae and mean elements for the Moon and the planets]], \\ A & A, 282, 663 - 683 (1994) | | {{anchor:paper_stanwill}} E.M. Standish &\\ J.G. Williams | [[http://vadimchazov.narod.ru/text_pdf/XSChap8.pdf|Chapter 8: Orbital Ephemerides of the Sun, Moon and Planets]], \\ An Addendum to the Explanatory Supplement, 3rd ed., p. 305 | | {{anchor:paper_holland}} T.C. Van Flandern & K.F. Pulkkinen | [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1979ApJS...41..391V|Low Precision Formulae for Planetary Position]], \\ Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 41, Nov. 1979, p. 391-411 | | {{anchor:paper_schaelill}} B. Schaefer & \\ W. Liller | [[https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/132705/pdf|Refraction near the horizon]], \\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 102:796-805, July 1990 | ===== Weblinks ===== {{anchor:web_bruton}} [[http://www.midnightkite.com|D. Bruton: Dan's Astronomy Software]]\\ {{anchor:web_reijs}} [[http://www.archaeocosmology.org/eng/moonfluct.htm|Victor Reijs Archaeocosmology]]\\ {{anchor:web_buecke}} [[https://www.buecke-info.de/astrotips/index.htm|K.H. Bücke: Astronomie für Sternfreunde]]\\ {{anchor:web_schlyter}} [[http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/english.php| P. Schlyter: Computing planetary Positions]]\\ [[https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEhelp/deltatpoly2004.html|L. Morrison, F. R. Stephenson: Polynomial Expressions for ΔT (NASA Eclipse Website)]]\\ {{anchor:web_jupos}} [[https://jupos.hier-im-netz.de/index.htm| Jupos: Database for Objectpositions on Jupiter]]